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How long till I receive my order?
Although we keep stock of certain items, we promote a huge range of product. For that reason, we need to pre-order stock as needed from our importer.
In order to do this as sufficient possible, we consolidate weekly orders by a Monday, 19:00.
Items will normally be delivered within 5 - 7 working days after payment was received unless otherwise stated.
Is there a warranty on what I buy?
Yes there is:
- Product with a purchase price less than R500, has a 7 day warranty
- Product with a purchase price of R500 or more, has a 30 day warranty
In cases where product need to be returned, follow the steps detail under Damages and Returns in the general Terms & Conditions.
How do I pay?
At checkout, you will be given the following payment options:
- Online debit or credit card payments via YOCO
- Pay by bank deposit or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Who can I contact and how?
You are welcome to contact our customer care WhatsApp line @ +27 71 525 5803
You are welcome to call our customer care line @ +27 71 525 5803
You are welcome to send us a email @ dumeycreations@hotmail.com